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Chello World - Simple IOTA Move Contract
Contract Overview
A simple "Hello World" style contract deployed on IOTA Rebased testnet that emits an event with a custom message.
- Package ID: 0x540fbdd48b6fc11c928519bd81eb4aec661477d4a6da733c0dc9d7170a43af81
- Module Name: greeting
- Function Name: say_chello
- Network: IOTA Rebased Testnet
Contract Source Code
module chello_world::greeting {
use iota::event;
use iota::tx_context;
/// Event emitted when someone says Chello
public struct ChelloEvent has copy, drop {
from: address,
message: vector<u8>
/// Say Chello and emit an event
public entry fun say_chello(ctx: &mut tx_context::TxContext) {
let from = tx_context::sender(ctx);
let message = b"Chello World! (Hello from Claude)";
event::emit(ChelloEvent {
Deployment Details
Deployment Transaction: EXVSnx1pRKV9kjyEKmLhvwiJMeMGRaV97yyZRSxng81g
Gas Requirements:
- Deployment Gas Budget: 9,128,800 NANOS
- Function Call Gas Budget: 2,000,000 NANOS
How to Call the Contract
iota client call \
--gas-budget 2000000 \
--function say_chello \
--module greeting \
--package 0x540fbdd48b6fc11c928519bd81eb4aec661477d4a6da733c0dc9d7170a43af81
Expected Output
The contract emits a ChelloEvent containing:
- from: Caller's address
- message: "Chello World! (Hello from Claude)"
Example Transaction
Sample successful call transaction: Vrh8Qz7p6cUqjjepbHs1i5dBALcbTEbyfsgSuT7p2Xy
Can be viewed on the IOTA Explorer